the set at night...bustling with activity-- both human and otherwise. stories about the 150 year old house's spiritual activity coming soon....
the toronto cast with angel aquino.
the art department at work(?) ;p
Ody (the cinematographer) makes an amazingly convincing woman! (lovingly being primped by the boom operator) looking at this photo again makes me laugh just as hard as i did when this picture was taken....awww, i miss you guys... :( does Ching (wardrobe)...very anchor woman-ish, no?
when exposed to the severity of the elements in the tropics (ie. heat, humidity and bug bites), crazy things start to happen to your sanity, as aptly demonstrated below:
caroline-as angelina jolie-as vampire...
ben, the art director...
harley (props) and benji (gaffer), preparing the "shrine"...
everytime i looked at romeo, someone was giving him a massage. haha. poor guy, he needed it!
William, the AD: the loudest voice on set...
Darrel, CJ (PA), and Marvel (2nd AD) talking about whatever it is that boys talk about...
Me, in all my sweaty, bug bitten glory....
Me again with Jamie, the director of the behind-the-scenes doc:
i look completely spaced. had no idea Zal was taking this photo...